Monday, January 31, 2011

Luna Savings: Expired Coupons!

Luna Savings: Expired Coupons!: "I rarely used coupons. It was not until a few months ago that I realized how to use them and how to score free things with coupons. ..."

Sunday, January 30, 2011

This is just too cool!!

I can't say that I love this company through personal experience....yet...but I think it is just so cool!  They have so many options to create a personal style in any part of your house, office, indoor, outdoor,'s just endless!!  Not only do they have so many options, but you can upload your own picture as well.  And if you want to sell some of your photos for them to use, they'll buy them!!

 We're expanding my husband's tree and lawn care company and I know that I'll be ordering from WALLHOG to put our logo on our new bucket truck.  I can't wait!

And RIGHT now you can grab a deal for the company through EVERSAVE.  You can purchase a $55 voucher for only $25!!  Get it before time is up.  You only have 2 days left.

Once you've purchased your Eversave deal, please come back, follow my WALLHOG link here (or on my right sidebar) and let me know what you're purchasing.

Happy Designing!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Swappeez Giveaway

Check out Sammi's Blog of Life for a fun, practical giveaway!  I absolutely LOVE flip flops and sandals and love to match when possible and these sandals thrill me.  They are so practical to travel with....check it out! If I don't win, I hope one of you do.  Her giveaway ends Feb 7, 2011.  Don't wait until the last'll be able to use them before you know it!!  Good luck.

Friday, January 28, 2011

HOT coupon only through Jan31st!!

If you've never signed up with Zulily, this would be a great time with this extra special deal.  While you will already find deals up to 70% off, they are also offering a $10 off any order of $30 or more when you use coupon code BABIES10 at checkout through January 31st.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

This is my life :D Can't make this up.

I was just shown a ziploc bag of what I could tell was clipped nails.  He informed me, laughing, that they were his toe and nail clippings he's saving.
You look at his smile, and although grossed out, you find yourself smiling as well...while you are saying,
"That's disgusting. What are they for?"
He figures he hasn't grossed you out enough, so he says through his HUGE smile and chuckle,
 "They're for a sling shot.  I can shoot them right into someone's mouth."

Yep, this is the mind of an almost 7yr boy.
And I have reclaimed the nail clippers.

$35 CSN store Giveaway

People don't usually just hand over money to you, but sometimes you can randomly win the equivalent.  Here's your chance!!
white house, black shutters is giving away a $35 gift card to CSN stores.  They have anything imaginable with over 200 stores to choose from!  Go HERE by Feb 4, 2011 to enter her giveaway.  You MUST be a follower of white house, black shutters, so if you're not yet then make it happen!  Let me know if you win!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

ENDED Scout Giveaway - my fave

I absolutely have loved Bungalow  since my first discounted voucher that I purchased through Jasmere last year. I love how they collapse and easy to clean up!

***If you  want a chance to win a FREE JUNQUE TRUNK then go to HERE to this great website I just found and view it as very resourceful!  It retails for $40!

Take a look around the website after you've entered to win and tell them I sent you! ends Feb 6, 2011

C.P.R (Consistent Personal Reprieve)

Just when you think you forgot how to breathe, God gives you CPR.  I love the definitions. 

 Consistent: a : marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity : free from variation or contradiction; showing steady conformity to character, profession, belief, or custom.  

Personal: carried on between individuals directly. 

 Reprieve: to delay the punishment of (as a condemned prisoner); to give relief or deliverance to for a time.  

God's been working on this entry for a few weeks now.  He has answered prayer several times involving me needing a reprieve.  Sometimes, he has answered it BEFORE I prayed.  That is the MIGHTY GOD I serve.   

So thankful that God is ever consistent to His Word, carrying out a personal relationship with me as I allow, granting me the personal reprieve of going to hell when I make the decision to accept Him, and allowing me daily reprieves from my sinful self. He is EVER faithful!

ENDED Contest to win $1000 cash!

What would you do if you won $1000 cash through a simple random luck of the draw?  Something fun and carefree or serious and practical?  I would seriously make Dave Ramsey proud  if I win this $1000!  Follow this link for your chance    It ends Feb 1, 2011!

ENDED Red Envelope $50 Gift Cert Giveaway

Check out Sammi's Blog of Life  for her awesome giveaway!!  She will choose a winner on February 3 (in time for Valentine's Day if you choose to get a gift for it), 2011 at 10 pm and then will be emailed.   Let me know if you win!!!